Professional Practices Regarding Integral core RGC members and Volunteers:

In all professional matters, I will conduct myself in a manner that is ethical, appropriate and respectful of all concerned.

  1. I will use my knowledge and professional associations for the benefit of the people I serve and not to secure unfair personal advantage.
  2. Fees, financial arrangements and all contractual matters will be discussed at the outset or an RGC GM and established in a straightforward, professional manner.
  3. I will neither receive nor pay a commission for the referral of a Woman to RGC.
  4. I will not speak ill of colleagues, members or other professionals.

Reporting and Resolution Process

Rebel Girls Club is committed to ensuring that all staff, instructors, students and guests are able to enjoy an atmosphere free from sexual harassment and retaliation.

We are committed to a timely investigation of any complaint, ensuring that all students are able to enjoy an atmosphere free from sexual or other forms of harassment, or inappropriate conduct.

The reporting process may be initiated by anyone. If a service user feels that she has been subjected to, or has witnessed, inappropriate behavior by any outside presenters, teachers, staff, guests, or from the core members of RGC should immediately notify the appointed directors and Head Chair person.

Principles Regarding Integral RGC core members and Volunteers

As a core member of RGC, I agree to uphold the following ethical principles:

To create and maintain a safe, clean and conducive environment for all of our sessions regardless of the event.

  • To conduct myself in a professional and conscientious manner, maintaining appropriate relationship boundaries.
  • To use respectful language free from, prejudice, insults, abusive language or verbal threats.
  • To avoid words and actions that constitute sexual or other forms of harassment.
  • To acknowledge the limitations of my skills and scope of practice and, when appropriate, refer Women to seek alternative support or guidance.
  • To welcome all Women regardless of race, religion, beliefs, gender, sexual orientation, age, or cultural background.
  • To welcome Women regardless of physical limitations unless they are beyond my ability to facilitate safely , and in such instances to try to refer them to a more suitable organisation.
  • To follow all local government and national laws that pertain to my involvement with Rebel Girls Club .
  • Training expectations: Be active, be attentive, attend all sessions, learn given material, practice in your own time
  • Acting responsibly toward the communities in which we work and for the benefit of the communities that we serve;
  • Being responsible, transparent and accountable for all of our actions; and
  • Improving the accountability, transparency, ethical conduct and effectiveness of the nonprofit and CIC field.

Let's Talk

Hello wonderful human!

 Please send us any questions, comments, ideas, feedback, or anything you want to share with us. We're looking forward to connecting with you.