The Wonderful Nic

The Wonderful Nic

Hi there. I’m Nic

I was introduced to Rebel Girls Club in 2022 when I attended a self-love and confidence course.

 At the time, I was struggling with negative thoughts about myself and felt very isolated. It’s not an exaggeration to say that the course completely changed my life!

 I was welcomed in with open arms into a safe and non-judgemental space where I was able to be vulnerable with a group of women who became my close friends and biggest supporters.

 I was given the tools I needed to change my thought patterns and truly accept myself. I became a huge advocate for the Rebel Girls ethos and immensely passionate about the cause.

Fast forward to 2023, I am using my professional skills as a project manager and Masters degree in business management to help fundraise for Rebel Girls Club and develop the organisation to be sustainable and grow.

 I want to help Rebel Girls change the lives of as many women as possible for the better.

Let's Talk

Hello wonderful human!

 Please send us any questions, comments, ideas, feedback, or anything you want to share with us. We're looking forward to connecting with you.